About Apache Felix Web Console Configuration Destination Folder


I am using Ubuntu for running Edge and OpenEMS UI. After running Edge app, i am adding production meter, PV meter, Ess and enabling multiple controllers. But when i stop Edge app and restart it, all the configurations will lost. I need to configure all the meters and controllers again.
I noticed that, the configurations in Felix configurations in Ubuntu is saving in /tmp directory. (i.e. /tmp/osgi.1013526987876485032.fw). But this will lost during app restart.
Whether i can provide an external permanent path for saving osgi Felix configurations? So that the added configurations will be there after edge app restart. So i do not want to configure it again. Please suggest me the right way to save configurations permanently. Is there any way to export and import osgi Felix configurations? So that we can import configurations to new server.

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*-Dfelix.cm.dir=/etc/openems.d/ *
-jar /usr/lib/openems/openems.jar

Hi @Sn0w3y ,

Thank you, I tried this and i was able to save the configs in /etc/openems.d.

Whether we can save this to another disk or server for reusing globally?

Thank you,


if you are using OpenEMS commercially i suggest, that you join the OpenEMS Association. After this you are allowed to use it in production Enviroment :wink:



Whether we can copy and paste the configurations to new docker image server? I had copy old simulators and controllers to /etc/openems.d/ in new server. But that configurations are not reflecting. Could you please suggest?

Thank you.