Access Issue with OpenEMS UI

Hello OpenEMS Community,

I’m currently facing a challenge accessing the OpenEMS UI after setting up the backend on my server. The backend is running and listening on port 8079, but attempts to access http://<VPS-IP> result in a 404 Not Found error.

I’ve checked the server status and firewall settings, and everything appears to be correctly configured. Any guidance or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you!


if you use Backend Commercially i suggest you to join OpenEMS Association to get extended Support :slight_smile:

Based on your Posts i assume you want to use / already use it Commercially - or plan to do so.


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If you are starting the debug version of the UI using ng serve, it will not allow outside connections for security. If you start as below, it will allow outside connections. Use at your risk.

ng serve -c openems-backend-dev --host

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It shows this issue

This indicates that there are no ‘Edges’ connected to the backend. As such, there is nothing for the backend to display.

Hello nada,

as i can see you work for “lightency” Company.

Maybe please re-consider joining OpenEMS Association as we all depend on some Association thoughts it would be nice if someone who uses it Commercially give “something back” to the Community.


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While the WebSocket connection is successfully established between the edge and the backend(with authentication via an apiKey ), the connection is immediately closed. Interestingly, when I manually test the WebSocket connection using tools like wscat or curl from inside and outside the container, the connection remains open and functional. From the logs, the Edge app successfully completes the handshake, but as soon as it attempts to interact with the WebSocket (e.g., sending a message), the backend closes the connection, citing a “Connection refused” error.

Can’t help you I have never had a problem connecting Edge to Backend. Have specified the right addresses in the Edge components? Read the getting started documentation again. Controller Api Backend.