Hello OpenEMS Community,
I’m new to this fantastic platform and have a question about a project involving the RevPi Connect SE. This device has an integrated relay contact that can, for example, cut off the power supply to connected hardware (like a RevPi DIO or wireless router). I want to use OpenEMS to control this relay.
I have already successfully integrated a Shelly EM device with OpenEMS. My goal now is to create a scenario where, if the power consumption exceeds power threshould, the relay should open to interrupt the power supply. As a first step, I’ve been controlling the relay using HTTP protocol. I set up an HTTP server with the Flask library, which has an API to handle HTTP POST requests. Based on the request URL, the server can open or close the relay contact by writing to bit 6 of the byte RevPiLED.
I’m seeking guidance on how to integrate this scenario with OpenEMS. Should I use an HTTP bridge to communicate with Revpi no IO module extension integrated just the relay, and is there a similar device implemented in OpenEMS that I can use as inspiration? Alternatively, should I develop a custom controller?
Thank you for any advice or suggestions!