Battery integration

Hello @stefan.feilmeier

We want to integrate a battery which is not available on the current library, I have seen that the battery modules are either handled via statemachine is there any guideline how to create the battery with the state machine package? Also for integrating a BMS, like the bmw.

Thank you!


I generally recommend to implement a State-Machine, as it helps a lot when things get more complicated. Also the Generic-ESS, which is the preferred way of using a Battery, uses the StartStoppable to interact with the Battery and start or stop it when required. This is also implemented nicely in State-Machines.

When implementing the BMS, please also have a look at this current pull-request as it brings a lot of interesting features for using the battery in an optimized way:

See also the readme there for details: openems/readme.adoc at feature/battery-protection · OpenEMS/openems · GitHub

Which battery are you planning to implement? Please keep us updated.


Hello Stefan,

Thanks for the reply,

We are trying to couple Gridcon PCS with a Pylontech battery BMS, so the first approach was to use the Gridcon as the PCS unit with the MR Gridcon ESS on Grid / Off grid in order to couple the DC / DC IPU and therefore a battery (Pylontech).

So, the attempts to use the openEMS were to use either the BMW battery and the FENECON home battery, as components.

Now I Will try with the Statemachine.

I keep you updated. Thank you!