BridgeModbusTcpImpl doesn't work when Cycle is referenced

The BridgeModbusTcpImpl does not work when

	private Cycle cycle;

is added. It seems the FSM is stucked in the WRITE state

2024-04-01T09:30:40,819 [_cycle  ] INFO  [ker.internal.CycleTasksManager] State: WRITE -> WRITE (onExecuteWrite)
2024-04-01T09:30:41,816 [_cycle  ] INFO  [ker.internal.CycleTasksManager] State: WRITE unchanged (in onBeforeProcessImage) Delay [0] (time is invalid)
2024-04-01T09:30:41,818 [_cycle  ] INFO  [ebuglog.ControllerDebugLogImpl] [ctrlDebugLog0] _sum[State:Info] ess0[SoC:UNDEFINED|L:UNDEFINED|Allowed:UNDEFINED;UNDEFINED|On-Grid] modbus0[CycleDelay:0 ms|State:INFO: CycleTimeIsTooShort]
2024-04-01T09:30:41,819 [_cycle  ] INFO  [ker.internal.CycleTasksManager] State: WRITE -> WRITE (onExecuteWrite)
2024-04-01T09:30:42,815 [_cycle  ] INFO  [ker.internal.CycleTasksManager] State: WRITE unchanged (in onBeforeProcessImage) Delay [0] (time is invalid)
2024-04-01T09:30:42,818 [_cycle  ] INFO  [ebuglog.ControllerDebugLogImpl] [ctrlDebugLog0] _sum[State:Info] ess0[SoC:UNDEFINED|L:UNDEFINED|Allowed:UNDEFINED;UNDEFINED|On-Grid] modbus0[CycleDelay:0 ms|State:INFO: CycleTimeIsTooShort]

This problem was found during the implementation of high level modbus skip cycle function Modbus bridge skipcycle highlevel by cvabc · Pull Request #1 · girasolenergy/openems-fork · GitHub.

The core cycle time is needed to calculated how many cycles should be skipped

this.noSkipIdx = (int)Math.ceil(config.intervalBetweenAccesses() * 1.0 / cycle.getCycleTime());

The code can pass tests but cannot work on real hardware devices. After some try and error, it’s found that the import of even only 2 lines of code

private Cycle cycle;

in the io/openems/edge/bridge/modbus/ file in develop branch would break the modbus bridge.

Normally this should be reported in github issues but issues is not enabled for OpenEMS GitHub - OpenEMS/openems: OpenEMS - Open Source Energy Management System.

Can you share more specific observation you have? Under certain circumstances underlying inversion of control mechanism might detect cyclic dependency and hold component from being activated. Other situation could be a deadlock. In case of a cyclic dependency appropriate log statement should be produced.

From what I understand you do not need access to cycle itself, but rather its time, am I right? If so, then you could try to obtain configured value by accessing ConfigurationAdmin service and its methods.

Thank you for the reply!

I also think it could be a deadlock, but not sure where.

From what I understand you do not need access to cycle itself, but rather its time, am I right? If so, then you could try to obtain configured value by accessing ConfigurationAdmin service and its methods.

Yes, only the core cycle time value is needed and thank you for the suggestion I have turned to ConfigurationAdmin and made the PR here

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