Enable Full-Power-Charging for Wallbox

Hi Bernhard,

depending on your setting, it should be easily done. You can just use the jsonrpc calls, to “change” the settings of the “Limiter”.
I#m not tooo familiar with the implementation right now in OpenEMS, because as far as we realized is it only possible with an storage system.
so that we dont need to dig into far into the implementation right now. We tryed a limiter without a storage system.

we (Consolinno Energy GmbH) will make a mergerequest shortly, with some emobility features. even for more than one car

The “frontend” might be free/openSource also for small usage (2 Chargepoints?), need to discuss this with the boss

but more or less this is the json rpc apicall after you active “rest” in openEMS.

its jquery for html
you can just change the configuration of the limiter… if you increase the lmit to “infinite” it will load full power… the default is depending on your setting.

so for example

              url: '/jsonrpc',
              headers: {
              "Authorization": "Basic QWRtaW46YWRtaW4="
              type: 'post',
              dataType: 'json',
              contentType: 'application/json',
              data: JSON.stringify({
              "jsonrpc": "2.0",
                "params": {
                 "componentId": "limiter",
                  "properties": [{
                    "name": "powerLimit",
                    "value": xxxx


best regards
