Error while starting EdgeApp.bndrun from IntelliJ

I am new in Openems and trying to use IntelliJ as develop platform. Currently I am learning the concept of OSGi projects in general and Openems in particular.

Unfortunately newest IntelliJ Version 2023.2.4 is not compatible with the Amdatu Plugin as suggested here. Therefore I started with the OSGi IntelliJ plugin and opened the project from Intellij. With a few attempts and a few tricks, this worked out reasonably well.
The IntelliJ modules and its dependencies were generated out of bnb.bnd files.

But when try to start the Edge application by right clicking EdgeApp.bndrun → Run ‘io.openems.edge.application’ I get following error message:

Cannot launch Bnd run descriptor '/home/vrees/work/git-repos/openems/io.openems.edge.application/EdgeApp.bndrun': 
'IllegalArgumentException: Default handler for Launcher-Plugin not found in biz.aQute.launcher'

Any ideas/tipps?
Am I on the right way or is that approach not promising?

yes we don’t use that “newest” Version. We use the Version what is compatible with the amdatu plugin. If it is working without i dont know :wink:

best regards
