ESS controller algorithms Modbus connection to inverter

Hey everyone,
I was wondering about some ess controller algorithms and how they connect via Modbus. For example: Asymetric Peak Shaving has two defined channels used
SET_ACTIVE_POWER_EQUALS_WITH_PID and SET_REACTIVE_POWER_EQUALS, but for some functions I was not able to find related channels.
How is Asymetric Balacing Cos Phi function sending data to inverter over Modbus?

Hi Julian,

i recommend you to join OpenEMS Association for Commercial-use Questions :slight_smile:

Greetings :slight_smile:

Hi Julian,

and welcome to the OpenEMS Community.

There is no direct connection between a (ESS-)Controller and the Modbus device, as it is abstracted in several software architecture layers.

The actual charge/discharge command reaches the Modbus device in the applyPower()-Method → openems/io.openems.edge.ess.api/src/io/openems/edge/ess/api/ at develop · OpenEMS/openems · GitHub
