ESS SoC is not being sent in the response, and ESSActivePower is always positive or negative

Hi folks, I’m working on my own backend to listen for data from OpenEMS. I’ve already configured OpenEMS as described here and set up the Controller API Backend so that data can be sent to my backend.

1 I can see logs about the ESS SoC.

2024-11-08T13:04:30,426 [_cycle  ] INFO  [ebuglog.ControllerDebugLogImpl] [ctrlDebugLog0] _sum[State:Ok Ess SoC:50 %|L:496 W Grid:-36 W Production:474 W Consumption:934 W] ess0[SoC:50 %|L:496 W|Allowed:-10000;10000 W] meter0[-36 W] meter1[474 W]

But OpenEMS isn’t sending the data (I enabled debug mode on the Controller API Backend). Here are the logs:

2024-11-08T13:04:30,425 [Worker-0] INFO  [ackend.SendChannelValuesWorker] [ctrlBackend0] Sending [29 values]: {meter1/ActivePowerL2=158, meter1/ActivePowerL3=158, meter1/ActivePowerL1=158, ess0/DebugSetActivePower=496, meter0/ActivePower=-36, meter1/ActivePower=474, _sum/ProductionAcActivePowerL3=158, _sum/ProductionAcActivePowerL1=158, _sum/EssActivePowerL1=165, _sum/ProductionAcActivePowerL2=158, _sum/EssActivePowerL2=165, _sum/EssActivePowerL3=165, _sum/GridActivePower=-36, meter0/ActivePowerL3=-12, meter0/ActivePowerL2=-12, meter0/ActivePowerL1=-12, _sum/UnmanagedConsumptionActivePower=934, _sum/ProductionAcActivePower=474, ess0/ActivePower=496, _sum/EssDischargePower=496, _sum/ConsumptionActivePower=934, _sum/ProductionActivePower=474, _sum/ConsumptionActivePowerL3=311, _sum/ConsumptionActivePowerL1=311, _sum/ConsumptionActivePowerL2=311, _sum/EssActivePower=496, _sum/GridActivePowerL3=-12, _sum/GridActivePowerL2=-12, _sum/GridActivePowerL1=-12}

As you can see, there’s no data about the ESS SoC. Did I can miss something in the setup? I’d appreciate your help!

2 As I understand it:

  • ESSActivePower:
    • If positive: ESS is discharging
    • If negative: ESS is charging

With the basic configuration as described here, ESSActivePower should show both positive and negative values (similar to the grid values). However, in my case, it is always either positive or negative, depending on the configuration changes I’ve made. I can’t seem to configure it so that it fluctuates between both positive and negative values. Could you please suggest what I might be missing?

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Hi @ostap and welcome to the OpenEMS Community,

  1. Data is only sent if it changed or after regularly after 5 minutes. As SoC changes rarely, you will only see it in the JSON from time to time. (see → openems/io.openems.edge.controller.api.backend/src/io/openems/edge/controller/api/backend/ at develop · OpenEMS/openems · GitHub)

  2. Your understanding is correct. I am not sure now why this happens to you.
