Hi everyone,
We are a web development company and we are venturing into the OpenEMS platform as one of our customers wants us to run an instance of the OpenEMS on a cloud and configure it to suit the needs of their customers. Later, they want us to add any additional front or back-end development to fully customize OpenEMS to their needs. To start the development on our end, we want to know the following.
- What modules of the OpenEMS can be customized - OpenEMS Edge, OpenEMS UI, and the OpenEMS (core or the cloud module)? Can all these three modules be customized through code?
- We understand that a JAVA developer is needed to customize OpenEMS Edge and an Angular/TypeScript developer. Do we need a backend database developer and a C++ or Octave/Matlab developer to apply customizations in the cloud module?
Any help from this community will be highly appreciable. Thanks in advance!