Optimization with yearly consumption and production

Hello everyone,

I am currently working on an energy optimization project as part of my Master’s thesis. I have a full year’s worth of consumption and production data, with measurements taken every 15 minutes.
Using this data, I would like to set up a battery with your software and test various energy optimization methods you offer.
However, I would like to complete this project solely on Openems_edge (Apache Felix Web Console) without modifying the code.

My questions are as follows:

  1. How can I import my CSV file with the full year’s data into the software (1st January - 31 December, every 15 min.) ? I tried using CSV Direct, but my data volume exceeds the limit imposed by the Simulator DataSource: CSV Predefined. I have already reviewed all topics related to this, but none specifically address this question.

  2. How can I display all my yearly data directly on the edge’s energy monitor? And how can I adjust the display so that it shows measurements every 15 minutes rather than every 5 minutes as set by default?
    To give you more context, I am trained as an energy engineer and have no programming knowledge or experience using GitHub. The installation was performed by an IT professional who deployed the software on my machine.

Thank you very much for taking the time to address my question!
I know this software has tremendous potential, but I feel I may be missing some knowledge to fully harness it.

Have a great weekend!


Update: I managed to create a file “.jar” into the DataSource: CSV Predefined so i can use my data !
However, I still have the problem with the timescale for my full year’s data and display.

Hi David,

welcome to the OpenEMS Community!

OpenEMS is not designed as a software for simulations - but it can to some degree be used accordingly.

@kmaruani1 already pointed you to the “Simulator.App” which we developed a few years ago for this kind of tasks.

The resolution of data (5 minutes) in OpenEMS UI is dynamically calculated based on the display resolution. You can adjust it here → openems/ui/src/app/edge/history/shared.ts at develop · OpenEMS/openems · GitHub

Hope this helps. Keep us posted on your progress - it’s certainly interesting for many other users.

Regards (and happy new year)


Hello Stefan,

Thank you for your response. Indeed, I went through the Simulator App, and it works perfectly!
I entered the example in JSON format that you proposed for the Simulator App on GitHub, using my parameters, and I am getting relevant results. To confirm, I simulated in real-time with a Raspberry Pi, which I let run for one day to generate a day’s worth of data. The results are identical!

I will keep you updated if any surprises arise during my project!
Thank you, and Happy New Year!
