a quick introduction first. My name is Jürgen Albert from Jena in Germany. I’m the Chair of the Steering Committee of the OSGi Eclipse Working group and Committer on BND.
We as the Workinggroup, have been pleasantly suppressed as we found OpenEMS, as a large Project and Community that heavily uses OSGi and BND.
I want to reach out, and invite your to join us in Mainz at the OSGi Summit, where you will find most of the core committers to OSGi and BND.
Since we moved to the Eclipse Foundation, we are trying to connect more to Projects that use the Technology.
I also like to invite you to join our Specification Calls and our Slack Channel (links can be found here).
We are looking for input to new Specifications and foster the exchange with other enthusiasts. Your are also welcome to join the bnd.discourse.group, which will soon become the official OSGi forum.
Jürgen Albert.