Running openEMS ui on a Raspberry Pi

Hello openEMS Community,
I am working on a project where I need to run openEMS ui on a Raspberry Pi to build an HMI. However, I am encountering some issues related to the hardware, particularly with memory limitations.
Any advice or suggestions on how to resolve this would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!

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Hi and welcome to the OpenEMS Community.

So you are running OpenEMS Edge and OpenEMS UI on that Raspberry Pi? What’s the issue? Do you see any error message?

Hello @stefan.feilmeier,
Thank you for your response. I resolved the problem using two approaches:

  • Serving the UI using Nginx or deploying it with Docker.

But, I decided to work with the openems_backend, backend-ui, and metadata.
Thanks again for your guidance!
Best regards,