SolaX inverter support

Is the family of SolaX inverters somehow supported already (maybe under different name…)? They become really common in household installations last year.


Hi Jiri,

I do not know of any compatible integration in OpenEMS. There are lots of PV-inverters and Battery-inverters coming newly to the market…

Usually reading data from a PV-inverter is easily done; sometimes even via SunSpec, but most often it’s a matter of simply writing down the most important registers of a Modbus table. (see the Implementing a device :: Open Energy Management System guide).

Battery-inverters typically require a lot more programming and testing.


I just need the Modbus Registers and i would try to implement it myself :slight_smile:

Does somebody have these?


To knew only the registers does not help much.
You have to know how the registers work and how to comply with your intention.

Best Eberhard