Solve Classpath Warning ".classpath contains a default JRE container"


I already had the warning

“The .classpath contains a default JRE container: org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JRE_CONTAINER. This makes it undefined to what version you compile and this might differ between Continuous Integration and Eclipse”

multiple times in some projects. It doesn’t stop OpenEMS from running, so it’s not a real problem. But it would be nice to know how to fix this warning.

Does anyone know how to do this?

Many thanks in advance!

Kind regards

You could use the Quick Fix in Eclipse to set the environment explicitly. This can be done for alle warnings at the same time.

…had the same problem while struggling with eclipse

Hello Klinki,
Thank you very much for the answer! I am sure that this works for many people. Unfortunately not for me, the “Quick Fix” function is grayed out. But as I said, the issue is not functionally relevant, so I’ll just leave the warnings as they are.

@Alex: This is because of a setting in your .classpath file. I generally recommend running the tools/ script when creating a new Bundle. It overwrites the .classpath file.
