since yesterday my UI Build fails. Can someone reproduce this Issue?
× Failed to compile.
Browser application bundle generation complete.
66 unchanged chunks
Build at: 2025-01-08T06:28:30.993Z - Hash: c915a44ab19f3024 - Time: 6673ms
Error: node_modules/uuid/dist/cjs/parse.d.ts:1:39 - error TS2315: Type ‘Uint8Array’ is not generic.
1 declare function parse(uuid: string): Uint8Array;
Error: node_modules/uuid/dist/cjs/v35.d.ts:2:53 - error TS2315: Type ‘Uint8Array’ is not generic.
2 export declare function stringToBytes(str: string): Uint8Array;
Error: node_modules/uuid/dist/cjs/v35.d.ts:6:166 - error TS2315: Type ‘Uint8Array’ is not generic.
6 export default function v35(version: 0x30 | 0x50, hash: HashFunction, value: string | Uint8Array, namespace: UUIDTypes, buf?: Uint8Array, offset?: number): string | Uint8Array;
× Failed to compile.