UI fails to compile - Bug?


since yesterday my UI Build fails. Can someone reproduce this Issue?

× Failed to compile.
:heavy_check_mark: Browser application bundle generation complete.

66 unchanged chunks

Build at: 2025-01-08T06:28:30.993Z - Hash: c915a44ab19f3024 - Time: 6673ms

Error: node_modules/uuid/dist/cjs/parse.d.ts:1:39 - error TS2315: Type ‘Uint8Array’ is not generic.

1 declare function parse(uuid: string): Uint8Array;

Error: node_modules/uuid/dist/cjs/v35.d.ts:2:53 - error TS2315: Type ‘Uint8Array’ is not generic.

2 export declare function stringToBytes(str: string): Uint8Array;

Error: node_modules/uuid/dist/cjs/v35.d.ts:6:166 - error TS2315: Type ‘Uint8Array’ is not generic.

6 export default function v35(version: 0x30 | 0x50, hash: HashFunction, value: string | Uint8Array, namespace: UUIDTypes, buf?: Uint8Array, offset?: number): string | Uint8Array;


× Failed to compile.

See discussion at

No solution yet, though.

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I fixed it by removing the ^ before 10.0.3 in uuid.

Are there others who have these issue on clean installation?

npm install

If yes i would provide a PR.

Greetings !

This does not ‘solve’ the issue as it just tells package.json to stay with exactly “10.0.3”. To solve the issue, we would have to fix the PR above.

If you have a build error locally, try running npm ci instead of npm install.

11.0.5 fixes it :slight_smile: Package uuid again working